Liebherr-transportation systems in general – Liebherr Downloads User Manual
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Liebherr-Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG
Liebherrstraße 1, 2100 Korneuburg, Austria
ట +43 (0)2262 6020, Fax: +43 (0)2262 602501, E-Mail: [email protected]
Subject to technical modifications.
Printed in Germany by Eberl BK LVF 10.042-09.10-1en
Systems in General
Aftersales Service
As a reliable partner Liebherr supports its customers during
the whole life cycle of a train. Liebherr’s comprehensive
services cover prototyping, initial tests, on-site installation
of equipment, commissioning, maintenance and repair as
well as overhaul. To complete the portfolio, individual cus-
tomer training concepts are offered. All service areas and
the entire service organization around the globe are being
constantly optimised and enhanced.
Member of Liebherr’s Aerospace
and Transportation Systems Division
Liebherr-Transportation Systems, headquartered in Korneu-
burg (Austria), is a member of Liebherr’s Aerospace and
Transportation Systems division which is based in Tou-
louse (France). Within the Liebherr Group, Liebherr-Aero-
space & Transportation SAS is responsible for the coor-
dination of all activities in the fi elds of aviation equipment
and transportation systems, employing almost 4,000
people worldwide.
Thanks to the deep integration within the division,
Liebherr-Transportation Systems is able to transfer the
latest aerospace technologies to custom-made complete
solutions for the rail vehicle industry.
Synergies from other product lines of the Liebherr Group
are also integrated and utilised where practical in order to
offer the most optimised and up to date products and ser-
vices at all times.
System Supplier for
the Railway Industry
Liebherr is a leading manufacturer of equipment for rail
vehicles. Liebherr-Transportation Systems develops,
tests, manufactures, supplies and services heating,
ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems as well
as hydraulic systems for railway vehicles. The product
range also includes system components such as power
supply, pressure protection, air ducts, diagnosis and con-
trol equipment. Liebherr’s purpose-designed systems are
operating successfully in high-speed, mainline and subur-
ban trains, streetcars, locomotives and other rail vehicles.
The currently designed products already meet known
future standards and regulations. Environment protection
plays a substantial role in design and manufacturing.
Stations Worldwide
The production facilities of Liebherr-Transportation Sys-
tems are located in Korneuburg, near Vienna (Austria) and
in Radinovo (Bulgaria). In addition to its own sales and ser-
vice stations in Korneuburg, Mannheim (Germany), Sun-
derland (United Kingdom) and Paris (France), the com-
pany has a joint venture in Zhejiang province (PR China).
Liebherr-Transportation Systems also benefi ts from the
worldwide locations of Liebherr’s aerospace companies.