Hydro_montage_engl 9.pdf – Liebherr HS 825 HD Litronic User Manual

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1-9Hydro.indd 9

13.03.2007 15:05:00 Uhr

Liebherr hydraulic crawler cranes are equipped
with powerful Liebherr diesel engines. Specially de-
signed for dynamic applications in heavy-duty con-
struction tasks, they are extremely reliable, durable
and easy to service. The electronic control monitors
and checks all machine data. Since engine elec-
tronics and crane control are optimally matched,
the diesel engine can be directly inter-linked with
the regulation of the hydraulic system, thus afford-
ing even more ease of operation. Possible failures
are detected and localized immediately by the diag-
nostics system. All movements can be carried out
simultaneously. Depending on the machine class,
diesel engines ranging from 180 kW to 670 kW
power are available.

Hydro_GB_Text.indd 9

21.03.2007 10:20:18 Uhr