Disney Interactive Studios Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End NTR-AW3E-USA User Manual

Page 15

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You can play Liar’s Dice with up to three of your friends or against the
Machine. To start the game, each player rolls their dice but doesn’t show
the roll to the other players. Your roll is displayed on
the Touch Screen.

Shake the cup and look at your dice. When it’s your
turn to play, you must either raise the bid or call the
previous bidder a liar!

The bid is how many of a certain die everyone at the
table has. To raise the bid, you need to increase either
the number of dice, or the value on the die’s face.
Careful, skulls are wild and count as any other die value!

There are two numbers in each bid: the value of the dice you’re bidding on
(2, 3, 4, 5 or 6), and the number of that value of dice you think have been
rolled. That number can be from one to however many dice are in play.

If you bid too high and are called a liar, you lose a die! If your bid was
correct, though, the player who called you a liar loses one. The game is
over when only one player remains with any dice.

Practice the game a few times against the Machine and you’ll be a tough
competitor in multiplayer Liar’s Dice against your friends!