Bryan Boilers Boiler Feed System AH-FS151250D User Manual
Page 8

D A T E : 4 / 3 / 0 3
R E P : 2 / 1 / 9 9
1 . 5 . 2 M A K E U P F I L L V A L V E
A self-contained mechanical float type make up water control is proved to accept incoming water
up to a differential pressure of 70 psi (see manufacturer’s date for exact pressures). The make up
valve assembly mounts directly into the tank to eliminate unnecessary external piping and can be
removed from the outside of the vessel for easy maintenance and inspection. The valve is made
of brass or bronze with a copper float that does not require any external power for operation.
Optional fill valves may have been supplied with your unit. Please check the specific
manufacturer’s literature for the operation of this valve.
1 . 5 . 3 P U M P S
There are two different designs used as standard pumps on Bryan HFS and VFS Feed systems.
Horizontal turbine pumps are used primarily for the smaller sized units and vertically centrifugal
pumps are used primarily for the larger units. The Bryan CFS feed system utilizes a vertical
centrifugal pump that is mounted directly on top of the tank. Please follow the specific
manufacturer’s literature for operation and start up of these pumps. It may affect your warranty
and the operability of your pump is specific instructions are not followed. Pumps are sized based
on approximately two times the boiler evaporation rate of the horsepower shown in the model
number and on a maximum feed water temperature of 200 degrees F. Some pumps may need
by-pass piping or a throttling valve in the discharge line to keep the pump flow at a satisfactory
level on the pump curve. All pump motors supplied are multi-tapped. Therefore, before supplying
power to the pumps, make sure the motor is wired for the voltage being supplied.
1 . 5 . 4
S T E A M P R E - H E A T E R A S S E M B L Y ( O P T )
A steam pre-heater assembly may have been provided with the boiler feed system. The
assembly includes a combination pressure/temperature regulating valve, stainless steel sparge
tube, “y” type strainer, and steam valve. The pressure/temperature regulating valve eliminates the
need for a separate pressure regulator and a temperature regulator. Normal operation is
controlled by the temperature pilot, and the pressure pilot sets an upper limit on the downstream
steam pressure. The regulator is a pilot actuated, diaphragm-operated type with a separate
pressure and temperature pilot. The valve is sized based on 100% make-up water being raised
140 degrees F. The stainless steel sparge tube is supplied to reduce noise and the piping and
valves are sized based on maximum steam velocity of 7000 ft/min. The valves come shipped
loose and proper installation is required for efficient use.
1 . 5 . 5 O T H E R
Additional items may have been supplied with your feed system and can be referenced on the
equipment list, wiring diagram, and/or dimensional supplied with this manual. If available, the
manufacturer’s literature data is supplied with this manual for proper installation and maintenance.
Please consult factory if additional information is required.