Bryan Boilers Boiler Feed System AH-FS151250D User Manual
Page 11

D A T E : 4 / 3 / 0 3
R E P : 2 / 1 / 9 9
2 . 1 . 2 A T M O S P H E R I C T A N K D E S I G N
This tank was designed to be used only in atmospheric conditions. To avoid potential hazards,
this tank should never be pressurized. Safety precautions should be taken to make sure the tank
is never pressurized.
2 . 1 . 3 L O W W A T E R C O N D I T I O N
(A low water cutout is not supplied as standard on the boiler feed system, although it may have
been supplied as an optional item.) Under normal operating conditions, the tank should never be
allowed to be in a low water condition. If the water level falls in the tank, the make-up valve
should open to satisfy the demand for water. The valve is efficiently sized to maintain the water
level based on the maximum horsepower of the unit. If the low water control or probe was
supplied, it should be checked to make sure the pump circuit will de-energize on a low water
condition and an alarm condition occurs. When the water level has been increased above the low
water control, the pump should operate normally.
2 . 1 . 4 F E E D W A T E R C O N T R O L O N T H E B O I L E R
The feed pump supplied with this unit should be electrically wired to the level control mounted on
the boiler so that the boiler will maintain proper water level. Please reference the wiring diagram
supplied with the manual for proper wiring. This connection should be checked before putting the
boiler into operation, making sure that it is operating correctly.
2 . 1 . 5 B O I L E R F E E D P U M P
The start-up procedures found in the boiler feed pump manufacturer’s data should be followed
very carefully and may include venting the pump before actual operation. Failure to follow the
manufacturer’s recommendations may void the warranty of the pump and also keep the pump
from operating correctly. The boiler feed pump must also be operationally tested to assure that it
provides boiler feed water at the pressure and in the amount needed for safe and reliable boiler
operation. The feed pump should be capable of supplying water to the boiler at least 3% above
the boiler relief valve setting. A throttling valve may be required in the discharge line to keep the
pump on the operating curve.
2 . 1 . 6 O T H E R C O N T R O L S
Additional controls, as required for a particular system, may also be provided. Refer to the
literature on these devices included in the feed system manual. All such devices must be
operationally tested to assure reliable operation of the boiler and system.
2 . 1 . 7 C H E M I C A L F E E D S Y S T E M & S O F T E N E R
Check the performance of the boiler water softener and chemical treatment system. Chemically
test the feed water to be certain it complies with the recommendations of the chemical treatment