Control muting, Do not power motors with this circuit – B&K series II User Manual

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A control is used to “trigger” various outboard amplifiers, projectors, or other accessories
by sending a specified voltage when a certain mode or source is selected from the
source of the control voltage “trigger”. A control system is provided on each Reference
7270 series II amplifier to allow remote switching of the mute on/off feature. A
preamplifier’s control output, such as what is provided with B&K series preamplifiers, can
be utilized to provide a control signal to the Reference

7270 series II. If more than one

amplifier is being controlled, the control signal can be extended to include each
successive unit by simply running a 1/8" MINI - JACK cable from the CTRL OUT
connector of the first amplifier to the CTRL IN connector of the next unit (commonly
referred to as ‘daisy chaining’). An example of how to connect two amplifiers is illustrated
in Figure E below.

If a source other than a B&K series preamplifier is used to control one or multiple
amplifiers, only the control output voltage from the source is critical. It must be within the
range, as indicated on the rear panel, of 5-24 volts AC or DC. The amplifier will provide
each successive amplifier with a control voltage of 12 volts DC for reliable operation. The
amplifiers control output may be used as a source of 12 VDC @ 125 mA for other user
applications as well.


If the control function is desired, each unit in the system must remain connected at all
times and the control must be enabled. To enable the control function, the CTRL IN jack
must have a 3.5mm mini jack plugged into it for each controllable amplifier in the system.

* Note: The control voltage is for muting control only. Each amplifier must be connected
to its own source of AC power in order for it to operate.

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P/N 13009 Rev.0102

2>=C A>; 8>

2>=C A>; 8>

R e a r v ie w o f s e c o n d
a m p lifie r w ith co n tro l in p u t

R e a r v ie w o f a m p lifie r
w ith co n tro l in p u t

D a is y c h a in to
o th e r a m p lifie rs

F ro m p re a m p lifie r
re a r p a n e l
co n tro l o u tp u t