BlueAnt Interphone User Manual
Page 13

down on one of the Interphones until you hear the second beep, then
both units will resume intercom mode.
3. During intercom mode, the ring of the phone will not be transferred to the
BLUEANT INTERPHONE automatically. (Tip: Switch on your phone’s
vibrate option to notice an incoming call.)
4. On an incoming call, Press the MFB(1) for 1 second to transfer the call to
your headset. Some phones may require 2 times press on MFB(1) in
order to answer an incoming phone call from intercom mode (1
press to
transfer the call to the headset, 2
press to answer the call).
Multi-Pairing / Switching Connections between Phones
The BLUEANT INTERPHONE can be paired to 5 different Bluetooth phones. An
additional pairing will automatically delete the phone that has not been used for
the longest time. Thus, maintaining 5 phones in its memory.
You can easily switch to any of the paired phones by:
1. Disconnecting the currently used phone using the “Active devices” in the
Bluetooth menu of that phone.
2. Connect to the wanted phone by using the “Paired devices” in the Bluetooth
menu of that wanted phone.
Note: Reconnection to a paired phone can also be done by pressing the
MFB(1). But when you press the MFB(1), the BLUEANT INTERPHONE will
attempt to connect to the last used phone only. So it is recommended to connect
to another paired phone using the phone’s menu.