Continue, Select “output pc” from “data management – Pioneer VSX-LX60 User Manual
Page 8

Operations on the Receiver and Cable Connections (Continued)
Perform the “Auto MCACC (ALL)” operation on the receiver. (See page 8 of the
receiver’s Operating Instructions.)
The setting here is not required if the “Auto MCACC (ALL)” operation has already been performed
before connecting the RS-232C cable. Proceed to
step 3
From the receiver’s “Manual MCACC” menu, select “EQ Professional”, then
select “Reverb Measurement” to measure the room’s reverb characteristics.
(See page 44 of the receiver’s Operating Instructions.)
If you want to measure the room’s reverb characteristics, select “EQ OFF”, then select “Start”.
If you want to measure the room’s reverb characteristics after equalization, first perform the “Auto
MCACC (ALL)” operation, then select “EQ ON”, then “Start”. (See
Measure the room’s reverb characteristics after equalization with the microphone at the same position as
when the “Auto MCACC (ALL)” operation was performed. The measurements are performed with the EQ
values stored in the MCACC memory selected on the receiver, so before measuring the reverb
characteristics, select the MCACC memory to be measured after equalization.
Select “Output PC” from “Data Management”.
The message “Start the MCACC application on your PC” appears and the receiver enters transmission
standby mode. It is ready to send data to your PC.
This completes the preparations for sending the measurement data to your PC.
(To send the data, proceed to the next section Application Operations.)
M C AC C :
M 1 . M E M O RY 1
R ev e r b M e a s u r e w i t h
[ St ar t ]
: C a n c e l
3 e1 . Reve r b M easurem ent
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
M C AC C :
M 1 . M E M O RY 1
R ev e r b M e a s u r e w i t h
[ St ar t ]
: C a n c e l
3 e1 . Reve r b M easurem ent
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
S t a r t t h e M C A C C
a p p l i c a t i o n o n y o u r P C .
: C a n c e l
5 e . O u t p u t P C
- 5 5 . 0 dB
: R e t u r n
5 . D a t a M a n ag e m e n t
DV D / L D
- 5 5 . 0 dB
a . M C AC C D a t a C h e ck
b . M e m o r y R e n a m e
c . M C AC C M e m o r y C o py
d . M C AC C M e m o r y C l e a r
e . O u t p u t P C