Atari FLASHBACK2 CX-2600 User Manual

Page 33

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Game 1 is the beginning level. It includes lighted walls to help you see the rooms. There are no doors,

so no key is required, but you do need to light matches to see objects. Three creatures; one bat, one
tarantula, and one ghost try to scare you to death.

Game 2

In Game 2, the mansion is all dark, and there are unlocked doors. Three creatures, as in Game 1,

attempt to scare you to death.

Game 3

Game 3 is like Game 2 except that some doors are locked, but you'll find the master key in the first

room you enter.

Game 4

Game 4 is the same as Game 3 except that the master key is in a different location each time the game

is played.

Game 5

In Game 5, everything is the same as Game 4, but there are two additional tarantulas chasing you.

Game 6

In Game 6, all five creatures can chase you from room to room. Only the ghost can pass through a

locked door.

Game 7

In Game 7, if you are touched by the bat, any object you are holding will be dropped and moved to

another room in the mansion.

Game 8

Game 8 is the same as Game 7, but all of the creatures move faster, and to make things even tougher,

the ghost is not affected by the scepter.

Game 9

This is the ultimate Haunted House challenge. Game 9 has the same game play as Game 8, but this

time the floorplan is different and you'll find yourself in a completely different maze of rooms. For an
added element of surprise, all 5 creatures can chase you from room to room, even through locked doors.