Mad Catz GameShark Media Manager for PSP User Manual
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1. Ensure your PSP is in USB mode and connected to the PC.
2. Select the MP3 file or complete folder you want to copy to your PSP Memory Stick so it is
highlighted (ensure you have enough free space on your memory Stick by checking the
Capacity bar).
3. Simply drag and drop the file or folder across into the Memory Stick panel.
4. The copy process will now take place, so a progress bar will appear.
5. You will now see the file or folder appear in the Memory Stick panel, so it is on the Memory Stick.
6. To listen to your MP3’s on your PSP, close the GameShark Media Manager for PSP interface
and remove the PSP safely from your PC using the “Unplug or Eject Hardware” option
of Windows.
7. Play the MP3’s as normal on your PSP (see your PSP manual for details).
If you have transferred files to the Memory Stick, you MUST close the application and use the
Unplug or Eject Hardware option of Windows (usually found on the Taskbar). If you do not do
this then your file may not be saved to your Memory Stick. This is due to Windows and not
the GameShark Media Manager for PSP application.
d) Copying songs from iTunes to GameShark Media Manager
If you use iTunes to organise your music, then you can copy your songs from iTunes into the
Gameshark Media Manager interface then copy the files to PSP!
The songs can be in MP3 or AAC format, but can only be songs from CD’s you have imported
To copy songs from iTunes to GameShark Media Manager, follow the steps below:
1. Open iTunes and select the playlist/library you want to copy from.
2. Open GameShark Media Manager for PSP Music Studio and select the “My Music” folder, or
other music folder you want to copy the song to.
3. Simply click and drag the song from iTunes over the highlighted folder in
GameShark MediaManager for PSP.
4. The file will now be added to the folder. Repeat this with as many tracks as you wish.
5. You can now copy these files to your PSP Memory Stick as explained above.
6. If the file is an MP3 then the songs will just be copied. However if the songs are AAC
encoded .M4A files then the file extension will be changed to .MP4 when you copy to PSP.
This is so the PSP can play the songs.
e) Renaming your MP3 files
You can rename your MP3 files in the application. This is useful because it allows you to reorder
your tracks into the order you want them played when copied across to the PSP.
If you want a track to play first, put “01” at the start of the file name. The second track you want
to be played “02” and so on.
To rename your files or folders:
1. Select the file or folder you want to rename
2. Right Click on the file with your mouse and select the “Rename” option
3. Type in the name you wish to call the file or folder
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