Mad Catz GameShark Media Manager for PSP User Manual

Page 13

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1. CLOSE - This button closes the Internet Downloads panel
2. INTERNET DOWNLOADS- This is the button pressed to open the panel, and can also be

used to close the panel.

3. SEARCH- This button brings up the search dialog box that is explained in further detail in
this manual.
4. INTERNET DOWNLOADS PANEL- This is the panel where all the files available for

download from the GameShark server are displayed.

5. DOWNLOAD TO PC – This button downloads the selected file to a pre-selected folder

in the PC panel.

6. FILES – These are the files available for download.

b) Searching for files
To search for GameSaves or media files from the online database follow the steps below:

1. With the Internet Downloads panel open, click the “Search” button.
2. A dialog box will appear:

3. Use the drop down menu to define what type of file you

want to search for, and enter the name of the game if you
are searching for GameSaves.

4. Click ok and a search will be performed. If you leave the

“Name” box blank, all the results for that media type will
be presented.

5. The search results will be displayed.

c) Downloading files from Internet Panel to PC folders
To download the files you have searched for to your PC folders, follow the steps below:

1. In the PC Panel, select the folder you want to download the file to (eg; select “My

GameSaves” if downloading GameSaves).

2. Now select the file you wish to download.
3. Click the “Download to PC” button and the file will be downloaded to the chosen folder.
4. Repeat this process to download as many files as you wish.

If you are familiar with PC techniques, you can “drag and drop” files from the Internet panel to
the PC panel to copy them across:

1. In the PC Panel, select the folder you want to download the file to (eg; select “My

GameSaves” if downloading GameSaves).

2. Now select the file you wish to download, keeping the left mouse button held down.
3. Drag and drop the file over the folder you selected in the PC panel.
4. Repeat this process to download as many files as you wish.

9) RSS Feed
The RSS feed is a text feed running along the bottom of the GameShark Media Manager for
PSP user interface. The RSS feed keeps you updated with the latest information on what saves
are available and other PSP related news.

You can change the RSS feed to one of your choice (for example MSN). To do this, follow these

1. Go to the “Edit” menu option, then select “RSS URL”
2. Type or paste in the RSS URL of your choice
3. Click OK

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