Altec Lansing ACS45.2 User Manual

Page 4

background image

Figure 3

levelof the subwoofer with the satellite

speakers. Mixing is usually done by

playing a wide variety of music and

speech and adjusting the control until a

natural sound is obtained.

(See Figure 3)

• On/Off Switch: The unit is turned

on/off by pressing both the up/down

volume controls simultaneously.

• Volume Up/Down: Volume is

controlled electronically by the use of

two push buttons located on the top of

the right satellite. Arrows on the push

button indicate volume up/down. The left

Placement of Speakers

All stereo information is heard from the

satellite speakers. The subwoofer

contains no stereo information and the

sound is non-directional.

As a result, the subwoofer does not

necessarily have to be placed in any

particular relationship to the satellites.

Placing the subwoofer on the floor close

to a wall or corner of a room, provides

maximum bass efficiency. The subwoofer

can be placed below tables, behind

couches and on bookshelves, etc.

The satellite speakers are magnetically

shielded and can be placed close the other

computer monitor without distorting the

video image. Best stereo effect is obtained

by placing speakers as far apart as the

cord set allows.


When first installing a new system, some

simple instructions may be overlooked

which can cause the unit to be

inoperative. Please make the following


• Make sure all connecting plugs between

the satellite speakers, subwoofer (if

applicable) and computer are fully


• Make sure the wall power outlet or

power strip has power. The outlet can be

checked with a lamp or some other

appliance. If the power strip has a

switch, make sure it is turned on.

• It is possible to test the unit by pulling

out the audio cable that is connected to the

computer and connecting it to an

alternate audio source such as a portable

CD player.

• When the unit is operative, vibrations

may lead to the erroneous conclusion that

the speakers are defective. In most

instances, removing the vibrating object

cures the problem.