Anton/Bauer Nexus Phantom Battery Package User Manual

Page 13

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If a NEXUS battery is attached without first installing a
Phantom battery, camera power will be supplied by the
attached NEXUS battery. NOTE-Attaching a NEXUS
Battery without a Phantom battery will disable the light
output. This will prevent power surge from the light
output which would trigger the NEXUS protection circuit.

If the NEXUS protection circuit is triggered by a power surge,
the NEXUS battery will need to be removed from the
Phantom battery holder to reset the protection circuit.

The Phantom battery will absorb a power surge from the
camera or light output. If a light above 50 watts is connected
to the light output, the Phantom status LED will flash RED
and ORANGE 30 seconds. The light output ( power tap) will
also be shut off. This action will continue until the light over
load is removed from the Phantom.

The system will assume that any battery that does not
communicate with the Phantom mount is either NiCd or NiMh
battery chemistry. Any battery other than the NEXUS Series
will disable this system.