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Getting Started


Using Proper Cables

When connecting instruments and other equipment to the

MultiMix, it’s important that you use the appropriate types of

cables. Here are some simple but important guidelines:


For the mic inputs, use XLR cables.


For the line inputs and all other 1/4” connections, use 1/4”

mono TRS cables.


Use stereo RCA cables for the 2-track in and out.


Use a USB 2.0 cable to connect one of the USB 2.0 ports

to a computer.

Setting Levels

Before you can begin mixing and recording different audio sources

with your MultiMix, you must set the level for each channel you’re

using. This helps to prevent distortion and clipping. Here’s how:

1. Slide the channel fader to unity gain (0).

2. Turn the AUX SEND and GAIN controls all the way down,

and turn the EQ knobs to the center detent (you’ll feel a click).

3. Connect the source of the signal to the channel’s input.

4. Press the PFL / SOLO switch on the channel.

5. Make sure the SOLO MODE switch in the master section is

set to SOLO.

6. Play the instrument at a normal level and watch the LED

meters in the master section.

7. Adjust the channel’s GAIN knob until the LED meters remain

at or very close to 0.

8. If you need to apply EQ, do so and check the meters again.