License agreement, License.agreement – Lenovo IdeaPad U110 User Manual
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License Agreement
Ths Lenovo Lcense Agreement (the “Agreement”) apples to each
Lenovo Software Product that You acqure, whether t s prenstalled
on or ncluded wth a Lenovo hardware product, acqured separately, or
downloaded by You from a Lenovo Web ste or a thrd-party Web ste
approved by Lenovo. It also apples to any updates or patches to these
Software Products.
Lenovo wll lcense the Software Product to You only f You accept ths
Agreement. You agree to the terms of ths Agreement by clckng to
accept t or by nstallng, downloadng, or usng the Software Product.
If You do not agree to these terms, do not nstall, download, or use the
Software Product(s).
• If You acqured the Software Product(s) and pad a lcense fee,
return the Software Product to the party from whom You acqured t
to obtan a refund or a credt of the amount You pad.
• If You acqured the Software Product(s) prenstalled on or provded
wth a Lenovo hardware product, You may contnue to use the hard-
ware product, but not the Software Product(s) covered under ths
“Software Product”
“You” and “Your”
L505-0009-01 04/2007