Alcatel-Lucent OmniAccess 8550 EN User Manual
Page 5

Alcatel-Lucent | OmniAccess 8550 Web Services Gateway
Figure 3. Validation process example
Regulatory compliance is one of the most difficult and time-consuming hurdles for financial institutions. The
OmniAccess 8550 WSG takes over the management of higher functions such as policy enforcement and
auditing by inserting itself into the XML message flow. The OmniAccess 8550 WSG can therefore monitor
each transaction from end-to-end and can automatically perform auditing functions to document that session
data integrity was maintained and application data was properly secured after the transaction was completed.
For instance, a bank creates a rebate program of $100 for employees who sign up for a new credit account.
There are several steps for the rebate program: the rebate request, rebate amount calculation, manager
approval and payroll disbursal. The first three steps are handled by a web service linked to the system that
handles new credit accounts and the final step is handled by the payroll system. All validation of user
credentials and policy enforcement is handled by the OmniAccess 8550 WSG. Policies are in place to ensure
duplicate accounts are not created and that an alert is sent if an employee earns more than $500 from the
rebate program in a month. A transaction occurs as shown in Figure 3.
1. A representative receives authentication into the credit system and signs up a new account. The
rebate request is validated by checking to make sure the representative is an actual current employee
and that they have the authority to add the account.
2. The employee request is compared to the new customer database to validate that the customer
is real and not a duplicate. In addition the system validates the rebate amount at $100.
2. Credit calculated
submitted for
Rebate application
1. Rebate request
Rebate approval
4. Credit issued
to employee
3. Approval
3. The rebate request is sent to the manager of the representative for approval. The manager checks
to make sure the account is set up correctly and validates the account for the rebate requirements.
4. The payroll department checks to make sure the rebate amounts are correct and the maximum rebate
is not exceeded before disbursing the check.
At each step, the OmniAccess 8550 WSG is authenticating, authorizing and auditing the transactions
according to existing policies. After completion, a review of any transaction can be easily proven to
be valid by accessing historical data from the OmniAccess 8550 WSG.