Lenovo IdeaPad Z370 User Manual

Page 4

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Lenovo limited warranty

• failure or damage resulting from misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable

physical or operating environment, natural disasters, power surges, or
improper maintenance by you;

• damage caused by a non-authorized service provider;
• failure of, or damage caused by, any third party products, including those

that Lenovo may provide or integrate into the Lenovo product at your
request; and

• any technical or other support, such as assistance with “how-to” questions

and those regarding product set-up and installation.

This warranty is voided by removal or alteration of identification labels on the
product or its parts.


Limitation of liability

Lenovo is responsible for loss or damage to your product only while it is: 1) in
your Service Provider’s possession; or 2) in transit in those cases where the
Service Provider is responsible for the transportation.
Neither Lenovo nor your Service Provider is responsible for any of your data
including confidential, proprietary, or personal data contained in a product.
You should remove and/or backup all such information from the product prior
to its service or return.

Circumstances may arise where, because of a default on Lenovo’s part or other
liability, you may be entitled to recover damages from Lenovo. In each such
instance, regardless of the basis of your claim against Lenovo (including
breach, negligence, misrepresentation, or other contract or tort claim), except
and to the extent that liability cannot be waived or limited by applicable laws,
Lenovo shall not be liable for more than the amount of actual direct damages
suffered by you, up to the amount you paid for the product. This limit does not
apply to damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real
property or tangible personal property for which Lenovo is liable under law.

This limit also applies to Lenovo’s suppliers, resellers, and your Service
Provider. It is the maximum amount for which Lenovo, its suppliers, resellers,
and your Service Provider are collectively responsible.

This manual is related to the following products: