Important information – TRITTON Rudder Pedals Pro Flight User Manual

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19/12/2006 16:43

Follow points 1 - 6 of the install procedure in A), then at the Software Setup scre en, select Install the SST Programming Software
and click Next. In the following Software Setup screen, click Next and follow the on-screen instructions. At this point you will be
asked to install such features as the Saitek Magic Mouse, HID-compliant mouse, Sait ek Magic Keyboard and HID Keyboard
Device (these are what XPcalls the various elements of your Saitek controller). Con tinue to click on Next and Finish to accept the
installation until the Registration screen appears. At the Registration screen, sel ect Check this box to register now and follow the
on-screen instructions, or do not select this option and register later. Upon compl etion of the installation, you have the option to
Run Profile Editor, which will give you a view of the 3D programming environment. If you do not wish to see the Profile Editor at
this point, just uncheck the box and click on Finish to complete the installation.

Installation for Users of Windows® 2000

A) Drivers Only For Typical Users

With your computer switched on, close down any programs that are currently running and insert the Saitek Smart
Technology CD into your CD-ROM drive.


When the Introduction Screen appears, click Install Software to continue. If the CD does not run automatically, select Start
from the Windows® Taskbar,then Run and type D:\Setup.exe and click OK - where D:\ is letter of your CD-ROM drive.


When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue.


After reading the Disclaimer, select the I accept the terms of the Disclaimer optio n and click Next to continue.


At the Device Driver Installation screen, click on Next and follow the on-screen in structions.


When prompted, plug the USB cable into one of your computer's USB ports and click on Configure.


When the Controller Properties screen appears, click Next to view the Test screen.


Now try out your rudder pedals’controls to show that they are working properly. When you have finished, click OK.


At the Programming Software screen, select Typical User and click Next.


At the Registration screen, select Register and follow the on-screen instructions o r select Register Later and click Next.


Click on Finish to complete the installation.


B) Drivers and Programming Software For Advanced Users

Follow points 1 - 8 of the install procedure in A), then at the Programming Software screen, select Advanced User and click


At the Programmable Controller Drivers screen, click Update and follow the on-scree n instructions.


Then at the Installation of programming software successful screen, click Next.


At the Registration screen, select Register and follow the on-screen instructions o r select Register Later and click Next.


Upon completion of the installation, you have the option to Run Profile Editor, whi ch will give you a view of the 3D
programming environment. If you do not wish to see the Profile Editor at this point, just uncheck the box and click on Finish
to complete the installation.



A Word on Driver Updates From time to time there may be updates to the driver and programming software for this product. You
can check for the latest software updates by visiting the Saitek website and clicki ng on Downloads. A drop down menu will appear.
Select Drivers and Software.

For Windows® XPand XP64 users;
Dynamic updates If you have downloaded new drivers from Windows update and want to use SST programming software, you will
need to obtain an updated version of thesoftware. To obtain the new version, open t he Game Controllers icon in Control Panel,
select the controller in the window and click Properties. At the top of theProperti es window click the About tab and you will see a
link that says Click here to download the SST Programming Software. Click on the link and Windowswill give a download prompt
asking if you want to open the file or save it. Choose to save it to your preferred location on your computer's hard disk and the file
will start downloading. Once the file has downloaded, find it on your hard disk and double click on it to install the programming

Enabling Your Controller in Game
Most games support game controllers, which you can enable by using a [control] options menu within the Main Menu of the game
itself. If you are having trouble working out how to do this or if you're unsure whether the game being used supports game
controllers, please refer to the user manual for that gamefor more help.

How to Test and adjust your controller
You can test your controller at any time by Clicking on Start, then Settings and selecting Control Panel in Windows (XP users may
only need to click on Start and then Control Panel). Look for an icon called either Game Controllers or Gaming Options (XP users
may have to click Printers and Other Hardware first).

Open the Game Controllers/Gaming Options window - the Saitek Pro
Flight Rudder pedals should appear. Click on Properties to bring upthe
test screen. Click on the Test tab. Moving your rudder pedals should
result in a response in this screen; if there is a response you know that
the rudder pedals are functioning correctly.

Click on the Deadzones tab of the Properties window. You c
the deadzones (ie, the distance of pedal travel which doesn’t
corresponding rudder movement in-game) of the Pro Flight R
Pedals by clicking on the deadzone axes and dragging the d
indicators to the desired level. To test the new settings click
tab or try out by playing a flight sim game.