TRITTON TPM Pro Flight User Manual
Page 10

C. Right-click the controller icon next to your clock, and click Profi le Editor from the
Once the ST software has opened, you will be presented with a “tip” screen (if it’s the
fi rst time you have run the software). This screen gives useful information pertaining
to the profi le software. If you do not wish to see this screen when you start the ST
software, uncheck the small check box in the corner of the tip screen. The tip box can
be closed by clicking on the OK icon in the bottom right corner. You can get the tip box
back by going to the support tab and clicking on SHOW STARTUP TIPS PAGE.
The product page is the main screen that appears when the Smart Technology software
is fi rst opened (as shown above). Any Pro Flight hardware connected to your computer
will be automatically detected and displayed on this screen. Since they are always fi rst
in the list of connected hardware, the Pro Flight Rudder Pedals will always appear in
the software’s product page, although no Pro Flight hardware is physically connected to
your computer.
From the programming tab, you can mimic your controller to directly copy any of the
keyboard commands that are used in your favorite games. The commands are then
saved in what we call a Profi le. When you click on the programming tab, you will be
presented with a high resolution image of the controller you are going to program on the
left, and going down the right side of the screen you will see a list of command boxes
called “Cells.” For a detailed guide on the programming, go to the support tab and click
From the support tab, you can access the following features by clicking on them.
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