Seiwa Radar tuning User Manual
1 radar calibration at first installation

1 Radar calibration at first installation
At first installation is necessary to properly calibrate the radar. This includes:
• Heading Line
• Transmission Trigger Delay
• Antenna Parking Position (only MDS 9 and 10)
• Sector transmission off (only MDS 9 and 10)
1.1 Transmission Trigger Delay
Tuning the transmission Trigger Delay allows making accurate distance measurement. In
practice, you need to align the start of the sweep with the leading edge of the
transmission pulse.
IMPORTANT: The unit comes with a default tuning value already setup by the factory
but to obtain maximum precision you should finely adjust this value.
Use the following procedure
• Enter the Transmission Trigger Delay page. Since the STC is automatically turned
off when entering this page, the screen appear completely covered with clutter,
this is a mandatory condition to allow properly setting the TTD. The screen
should appear as follows: