Append x c – MSI 870A Fuzion User Manual

Page 88

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Marvell RAID



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Marvell RAID



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Create vrtual dsk by configurng ts settngs n the “Informaton” pane. as shown

below. And refer the descrpton below to configure the vrtual dsk settngs.


Marvell BIOS Setup (c) xxxx Marvell Technology Group Ltd.

Configure -> Select free dsks


Vrtual dsk configuratons.

ENTER: Operaton F10: Ext/ Save ESC: Return

HBA 0: Marvell 0

Vrtual Dsks

Free physcal Dsks

* PD 0: ST3750330MS

* PD 8: ST3750330MS

RAID Level


Strpe Sze

Ggabyte Roundng

Quck Int

VD Name

Current Speed


: RAID 0

: 1987739

: 64KB

: 1G


: Default

: 0 8

Create Vrtual Dsk

RAID Level, select a RAID level (RAID 0, RAID 1).

Max Sze (MB), s the sze of the RAID vrtual dsk as determned by the selected

RAID level. It s property of the vrtual dsk that cannot be edted.

Strpe Sze, specfies the sze (32K, 64K) of sngle data block on the vrtual dsk.

The larger the strpe sze, the longer t takes for the controller to read from and

wrte to data blocks on the physcal dsks. In general, a larger strpe sze s recom-

mended for most applcatons. The default sze s 64K.

Ggabyte Roundng, define the flexblty n sze for a replacement physcal dsk

that s used to rebuld a degraded vrtual dsk. It s applcable to RAID 1 level only.

Although the selecton remans avalable for RAID 0, t only affects the sze of the

RAID 0 vrtual dsk (because RAID 0 does not offer redundancy).

Quck Int, enable or dsable quck ntalzaton of the vrtual dsk. The default set-

tng for [Quck Int] s “Yes”.

VD Name, type a new vrtual dsk name.

Dsk ID, lsts the IDs of the physcal dsks comprsng the vrtual dsk. It s property

of the vrtual dsk that cannot be edted.