M-flash -24, Chapter 3, Chapter 3 m-flash – MSI 870A-G46 User Manual
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BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
== BIOS Update or Boot 2nd BIOS From USB drve==
M-Flash functon as
M-Flash functon allows you to flash BIOS from USB drve/ storage drve (FAT/ FAT32
format only), or allows the system to boot from the BIOS file nsde USB drve (FAT/
FAT32 format only).
Dsable M-Flash functon.
[BIOS Update] Flash BIOS va the USB/ Storage drve drectly. Update BIOS ROM
chp data from selected file, whch was be download from offical
webste and must be saved n the root drectory of the USB/ Stor-
age drve. It only supports partcular file name, whch s the offical
BIOS file name from us.
After allocated partcular BIOS file, system wll boot from ths BIOS
file whch saved n the root drectory of USB drve. System wll skp
MB ROM chp data and boot wth ths partcular BIOS nsde USB
drve. Note: ths opton s for USB drve only.