Advanced bios features -9, Chapter 3, Chapter 3 advanced bios features – MSI 870A-G46 User Manual
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BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
Advanced BIOS Features
Boot Sequence
1st Boot Devce
Ths tem allows you to set the first boot devce where BIOS attempts to load the dsk
operatng system.
Boot From Other Devce
Settng the opton to [Yes] allows the system to try to boot from other devce, f the
system fals to boot from 1st boot devce.
BIOS Flash Protecton
Ths functon protects the BIOS from accdental corrupton by unauthorzed users or
computer vruses. When enabled, the BIOS’ data cannot be changed when attempt-
ng to update the BIOS wth a Flash utlty. To successfully update the BIOS, you wll
need to dsable ths Flash BIOS Protecton functon. You should enable ths functon
at all tmes. The only tme when you need to dsable t s when you want to update the
BIOS. After updatng the BIOS, you should mmedately re-enable t to protect t aganst