Chapter 3 – MSI 870S-G54 User Manual
Page 61

BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
BIOS Setup
Chapter 3
DIMM1~4 Memory SPD Informaton
menu dsplays the nformaton of nstalled memory.
Advance DRAM Configuraton
DRAM Tmng Mode
Ths field has the capacty to automatcally detect all of the DRAM tmng.
DRAM Drve Strength
Ths tem allows you to control the memory data bus’ sgnal strength. Increasng the
drve strength of the memory bus can ncrease stablty durng overclockng.
DRAM Advance Control
Ths field has the capacty to automatcally detect the advanced DRAM tmng.
1T/2T Memory Tmng
Ths tem controls the SDRAM command rate. Select [1T] makes SDRAM sgnal
controller to run at 1T (T=clock cycles) rate. Selectng [2T] makes SDRAM sgnal
controller run at 2T rate.
DCT Unganged Mode
Ths feature s used to Integrate two 64-bt DCTs nto a 128-bt nterface.
Bank Interleavng
Bank Interleavng s an mportant parameter for mprovng overclockng capablty of
memory. It allows system to access multple banks smultaneously.
Power Down Enable
Ths s a memory power-savng technology. When the system does not access mem-
ory over a perod of tme, t wll automatcally reduce the memory power supply.
MemClk Trstate C3/ATLVID
Ths settng allows you to enable/dsable the MemClk Trstatng durng C3 and
Ths tem allows you to select the rato of FSB/ DRAM.
Adjusted DRAM Frequency (MHz)
It shows the adjusted Memory frequency. Read-only.