Chapter 2 – MSI Z77A-GD80 User Manual

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Chapter 2

Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology

Ths feature can update applcatons (ex. emal and socal networks) by perodcally

wakng your system from sleep mode. And you do not have to wat for the applca-

tons to update when you wake up the system. Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable

the Intel smart connect technology.

Power Management Setup

Press to enter the sub-menu.

EuP 2013

Energy Usng Products Lot 6 2013 (EUP) reduces power consumpton when system

s off or n standby mode.

Note: When enabled, the system wll not support RTC wake up event functons.

Restore after AC Power Loss

Ths tem specfies whether your system wll reboot after a power falure or nterrupt

occurs. Settngs are:

[Power Off]

Always leaves the computer n the power off state.

[Power On]

Always leaves the computer n the power on state.

[Last State]

Restore the system to the status before power falure or nterrupt


Wake Up Event Setup

Press to enter the sub-menu.

Wake Up Event By

Settng to [BIOS] actvates the followng fields, and use the followng fields to set the

wake up events. Settng to [OS], the wake up events wll be defined by OS.

Resume By RTC Alarm

The field s used to enable or dsable the feature of bootng up the system on a

scheduled tme/date.

Date/ HH:MM:SS

If Resume By RTC Alarm s set to [Enabled], the system wll automatcally resume

(boot up) on a specfic date/hour/mnute/second specfied n these fields (usng the

<+> and <-> to select the date & tme settngs).

Resume By PCI-E Devce

When set to [Enabled], the feature allows your system to be awakened from the

power savng modes through any event on PCIe devce.

Resume By Onboard LAN

Ths tem determne whether the system wll be awakened from what power savng

modes when nput sgnal of LAN s detected.

Resume From S3 by USB Devce

The tem allows the actvty of the USB devce to wake up the system from S3 (Sus-

pend to RAM) sleep state.