KWorld UD160 User Manual

Page 9

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3-6. Effects on Vista Aero Interface

3-7. Standby and Hibernate, Shut Down and Restart

3-8. Using Multi Adapters

On Windows Vista, after you install the UD160, the original Vista Aero Interface (if

enabled) will be disabled. You will be warned that the color scheme has been changed

when finishing the adapter installation. But if you unplug or uninstall the adapter, the

system will automatically resume the Aero Glass look.

When the UD160 is connected to a computer and an external monitor, if the computer

goes into standby or hibernate mode, the external monitor display goes blank.
When the computer returns to an active state, the external monitor display keeps the

same settings it had before the computer went into standby or hibernate mode. However,

if the add-on monitor was set for extended mode, windows that were previously on the

external monitor will not move back to that secondary monitor. Also, if the add-on monitor

is in extended mode and the computer requires a log-in after standby or hibernate mode,

the log-in screen appears on the primary computer monitor, not the external monitor.

Up to 6 adapters can be simultaneously attached to one computer.

To use two adapters:

If the computer is shut down, restarted and logged in, again the add-on monitor returns to

the same mode as it was before shutdown.

Note: Connect more adapters to computer, you need more computer performance.
Limitation for dual adapters on

Windows Vista in XDDM mode:

In this mode one extended

s c r e e n a n d o n e m i r r o r e d

screen is supported. Only the

first connected adapter can be

configured to use extended mode;

the second adapter is forced to

use mirror mode. When you bring

out the Windows display settings

dialog box, you will find that

only one ...DisplayLink Graphics

Adapter (representing your first

attached Adapter) is configurable.

1. Connect the first adapter to your computer and install the driver.

2. Then connect the second adapter to your computer. The system will automatically

complete the installation. While two adapters are connected to a computer, in most cases

both adapters support extended and mirror modes. The only exception is on Windows

Vista XDDM mode as described below.