Routing the power harness – Hogtunes REV 200SG KIT-AA : 2 Channel Amp / Speakers (1998 - 2013 - model years) User Manual

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routing the power harness

For ‘98-’06 bikes, the power harness will pass under the inner fairing where
the throttle and idle cables pass through on the brake side of the bike. The harness
is designed to be routed between the frame backbone and gas tank on the brake
side of the bike and come out just behind the gas tank. You MAY need to undo
the back bolt of the gas tank and pivot the tank up to allow the harness to pass
through at the back of the gas tank. Be sure to re-install this bolt and torque to
factory specs!

For 2007-2013 bikes, the balance of the main wire harness will pass under
the inner fairing where the main wire harness passes through on the brake side
of the bike. Loosen the tank console and run wires up and over the gas tank, but
under the tank console. There is a provision on the front of the tank console for
wires to pass. Secure the amplifiers harness to the bikes factory harness using zip
ties. When correctly installed, the power and ground wires are the right length to
connect onto the battery.

• Attach the red wire to the positive (+) battery terminal and the black wire to

the negative (-) battery terminal. The factory battery wires are also re-installed
at this point. Turn the ignition of the bike to the “on” position and play the
stereo at low volume to verify the amplifier is working fine.

Important: With all wires secured, turn the front

wheel to each extreme side making sure that any wires

cannot bind or impede the steering of the motorcycle.

Failure to do so can cause an accident resulting

in serious injury or death!

On the brake side of the amplifier is the amp level switch. The switch has 3
positions labeled -3, 0 and +3.
• If the expansion port has been used to power additional speakers, use the

switch to set the “balance” between the amplified fairing speakers and
additional speaker powered by the radios built in power.

• If you have a dual amp system, you can use the switches on each amp to

balance the level of sound to each set of speakers as a means to tailor the
sound to your liking. In a multi amplifier system, this gives you AWESOME
flexibility! Diagrams of bigger systems are shown on pages 7, 8 and 9 of
this manual.