1 simplified – video - established timings – Kramer Electronics EDID Designer User Manual
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EDID Designer - Editing an EDID
– Video - Established Timings
Video-Established-Timings are collected from established timing 1 & 2, the most
common and standard resolutions. The source outputs the highest possible
resolution checked from this list, only if there are not compatible resolutions under
the standard and detailed timing.
The same or similar established timings lists may be located in several sections of
the EDID block. In the simple mode, since we display only one aggregated list,
following rules apply:
If a resolution is checked in the list,
it is “checked” in at least one place in the
If a user checks a resolution, it is checked in all relevant resolution lists
If a user unchecks a resolution from the list, it is unchecked from all relevant
places in all lists
As an example, if the resolution 640x480@60Hz is marked in two lists out of three,
and the user unchecks and rechecks it in the simple mode, the EDID block
changes since the 640x480@60Hz resolution is now checked in all three lists.