Parts and accessories – Chemglass AF-0304 User Manual
Page 25

Gauges and Controllers
0.01 - 100 mTorr Dual Set Point Controller......................................902005
0.01 - 100 mTorr Indicator................................................................902006
1 - 2000 mTorr Dual Set Point Controller.........................................902001
1 - 2000 mTorr Indicator...................................................................902002
1 - 2000 mTorr Portable, Battery Powered Indicator........................902017
0.01 - 20 Torr Dual Set Point Controller...........................................902015
0.01 - 20 Torr Indicator.....................................................................902016
1 mTorr- 20 Torr Dual Range Indicator.............................................902025
1 - 1500 Torr Dual Set Point Controller (±1 Torr).............................902019
1 - 1500 Torr Indicator (±1 Torr).......................................................902020
30" Hg - 100 PSIG Dual Set Point Controller...................................904001
30" Hg - 100 PSIG Indicator............................................................904002
.01 - 20 PSIG Dual Set Point Controller..........................................904005
.01 - 20 PSIG Indicator....................................................................904006
.01 - 200 PSIG Dual Set Point Controller........................................904003
.01 - 200 PSIG Indicator..................................................................904004
Gauge Tubes, Sensors, and Accessories
0.01 to 100mTorr GaugeTube 3/4"OD Tubulation...........................912018
0.01 to 100 mTorr Gauge Tube KF Flange .....................................912037
0.01 to 100 mTorr Gauge Tube,1.33 in Conflat, non-rotatable........912160
0.01 to 100 mTorr Gauge Tube, 2.75 in Conflat, non-rotatable.......912038
0.01 to 100 mTorr Gauge Tube, 15 mm Diameter Tube .................912101
1 to 2000 mTorr Gauge Tube with 1/8 in. NPT Male Thread...........912001
1 to 2000 mTorr Gauge Tube with KF-16 Flange ........................... 912005
1 to 2000 mTorr Gauge Tube with 1.33 in Conflat, non-rotatable... 912067
1 to 2000 mTorr Gauge Tube with VCR-4 Fitting............................ 912068
1 to 2000 mTorr Gauge Tube,15 mm Diameter Tube......................912102
1 to 20 Torr Gauge Tube with 1/8 in. NPT Male Thread..................912011
1 to 20Torr Gauge Tube with KF-16 Flange ....................................912072
1 to 20 Torr Gauge Tube with 1.33 in Conflat, non-rotatable.......... 912073
1 to 20 Torr Gauge Tube with VCR-4 Fitting ...................................912074
1 to 20 Torr Gauge Tube,15 mm Diameter Tube ............................912103
All Stainless Steel Gauge Tubes for outdoor applications or wherever
the use 304 SS is appropriate. All wetted parts as well as an external
parts and connector pins are 304 SS. . . .Add “SS” prefix to any tube P/N.
Extension Cable with Connectors for All Tubes (not wide range)....912063
3 Position Gauge Tube Selector......................................................902027
Gauge Tube Baffle, Brass 1/8 NPT................................................. 912007
1 - 2000 mTorr Vacuum Gauge Calibrator.......................................912008
.01 - 20 Torr Vacuum Gauge Calibrator........................................... 912009
100 mTorr Vacuum Gauge Calibrator..............................................912019
Single Bench Mount Cabinet (fits instruments of any span) .........V805002
Double Bench Mount Cabinet (accommodates 2 instruments
or instrument & 3 pos. selector......................................................V805003
1/4 Din Bezel Kit (for 92 mm DIN cutout, fits any instrument).......V805004
Handle for Bench Mount Cabinet..................................................V805005
Lined Carry Case for Portable Gauge.............................................912028
VRC-6M & VRC 6R Gauge Tubes Interchangeable with Teledyne-
Hastings DV-6 Tubes
VRC-6M Gauge Tube, All Metal 1/8 NPT........................................ 912086
VRC-6M-KF 16 Gauge Tube, All Metal, KF-16 Flange....................912096
VRC-6M-VCR-4 Gauge Tube, All Stainless Steel, VCR-4...............912082
VRC-6R Gauge Tube, All Stainless Steel,1/8 NPT..........................912087
VRC-6R-KF 16 Gauge Tube, All Stainless Steel, KF-16 Flange.....912098
VRC-6R-VCR-4 Gauge Tube, All Stainless Steel, VCR-4 ...............912099