Built-in effects – American Audio DCD-PRO1000 User Manual

Page 31

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American Audio


- - DCD-PRO1000™ Instruction Manual Page 31

Figure 49


The flanger effect alters

the output signal and create an effect similar to the frequencies
phasing in and out of each other. The echo effect adds an echo
to your output signal. The robot effect alters the output to simu-
lates a sci-fi robot voice. When the flanger effect is selected the
FLANGER/ECHO BUTTON (7) will glow amber, when the echo
or robot effect is selected the FLANGER/ECHO BUTTON (7) will
glow red.


The ROBOT effect alters the output to

simulates a sci-fi robot voice. The ROBOT effect is activated in
the echo parameters (see "Parameters" in the next section). To
activate the robot effect select the echo effect (FLANGER/ECHO
will glow yellow). After the Echo effect is activated
turn the HOLD (6) function on. Use the PARAMETER TIME KNOB
and set the (PT) value to 0010. After "PT" value has been set,
use the PARAMETER RATIO KNOB (3) and set the (PR) value to
0200 - 0255.



The flanger effect alters the output signal and creates an effect similar to frequencies

phasing in and out of each other. The FLANGER Effect has two adjustable parameters, Parameter Time (PT)
and Parameter Ratio (PR). The PT will adjust the Flanger Mode and The PR will adjust the Flanger Frequency
Range (see "Parameters" in the next section).


The ECHO effect adds an echo to your output signal. The ECHO Effect has two adjustable

parameters, Parameter Time (PT) and Parameter Ratio (PR). The PR will adjust the length of the echo (drop off
time), and the PT will adjust the echo gap length (see "Parameters" in the next section).
off time), and the PT will adjust the echo gap length.

Figure 50


The TRANS effect simulates a real-time

mixer transformer effect. When the "Transformer" effect is acti-
vated the TRANS/PAN BUTTON (8) will glow yellow, when the
"Pan" effect is selected the button will glow red. The PAN effect
allows you to pan the output from the left channel to the right


The TRANS Effect has two adjustable param-

eters, Parameter Time and Parameter Ratio. The PT will adjust
the Trans Speed and The PR will adjust the Trans Audio Length.
The lower the PT value the faster the TRANS effect (PT 0500 =
1/2 second, PT 1000 = 1 second).


The PAN effect uses the PT value to pan left to

Right. PT 0500 is the default setting which is center pan. The Pan
Value ranges from 10ms to ten seconds.