Mittler Bros Machine & Tool 1200 User Manual
Bump steer gauge

Division of Mittler Corp.
P.O. Box 110 Foristell, Missouri 63348
10 Cooperative Way Wright City, MO 63390
(636) 745-7757 Fax: (636) 745-2874
03-07-08 BRP
Prior to starting any Bump Steer procedure consult your chassis manufacturer or chassis set-up
publication to determine the proper Bump Steer for your race vehicle.
Place vehicle on jack stands at desired height.
Remove left front tire/wheel and right front tire/wheel.
Install Bump Plate on Wheel Hub
Install small idler arm & roller on left pivot arm.
Install dial indicator on right pivot arm.
Place “T” Base under lower “A” frame, with pivot arms laying flat on floor.
Level “T” Base using adjustment screws at each tube end to center leveling bubble.
Position bottle jack on “T” frame under lower “A” frame.
Rotate Pivot arms up until roller & dial indicator contact arm touch Bump Plate.
Level Bump Plate so dial indicator contact arm & roller bracket align with the same
scribed mark on each side of Bump Plate.
Compress dial indicator contact arm ½ its travel.
Rotate dial to zero on dial indicator face.
Jack suspension to simulate proper front end geometry at ride height.
NOTE: Always start Bump Steer procedure from this position.