Apogee Digital X-HD User Manual
Page 17

X-HD card – User’s Guide
Hardware Setup
1 In Pro Tools, select Setups>Hardware
2 From the Peripherals list on the left side of the Hardware Setup dialog, verify that Apogee inter-
faces have been detected correctly (as indicated in the Interface Connections Chart found on
pages 9-12).
3 If all interfaces have been correctly detected, select each instance of “192 I/O” displayed, and
click on the “Set to Default” button.
Peripherals – All Apogee interfaces are detected in the Peripheral list as “192 I/O”, as indicated by
the Interface Connections Chart on pages 9-12.
Clock Source – The Apogee interface connected directly to the HD Core card will respond to the
Clock Source setting, when the Clock Source selection made in Pro Tools corresponds to a clock
source setting on the Apogee interface.
Sample Rate – Before a Pro Tools session has been opened, it is possible to change the Sample
Rate of the Apogee interface connected directly to the HD Core card if the interface is clocked inter-
nally or to a SYNC I/O. Once a session is opened, the sample rate of interfaces is determined by the
session. Again, Apogee interfaces will follow session sample rates if the Core card interface is locked
internally or to a SYNC I/O. When Apogee hardware is locked to an external clock source such as Big
Ben, be sure to set the hardware clock rate to correspond to the session sample rate.
Port Settings – If this parameter is not greyed out, it must be set to Expansion I/O to detect multiple
Apogee interfaces.
Main tab – These settings are ignored by Apogee interfaces, but it is essential that each buss (1-16)
is set to a unique setting. This is most easily accomplished by following the steps above.
Analog In, Analog Out, Digital tabs – These settings are ignored by Apogee interfaces.
I/O Setup
1 Once Hardware Setup has been configured, select Setups>I/O Setup.
2 Select the Input tab and press Default
3 Select the Output tab and press Default
4 Select the Insert tab and press Default
The steps above will create a set of signal “paths” based on the number of “192 I/O”s detected in the
Hardware Setup>Peripherals list. Refer to the Interface Connections Chart to determine the actual
paths being used by the connected Apogee hardware, and rename them to more clearly reflect the
connected Apogee interface(s). Delete unused signal “paths”.
For example, 1 Rosetta 800 will be detected as 1 192 I/O in the Hardware Setup>Peripherals list,
resulting in paths A1-16 to be created in the Input, Output and Insert tab pages. On the Input page,
re-label paths A1-8 as Rosetta In 1-8; On the Output page, re-label paths A1-8 as Rosetta Out 1-8;
delete paths A9-16 on each page, as they are not active paths.