Edgecraft Chef's Choice 2000 User Manual
Page 8

Normally you can resharpen rapidly with 3-5 pairs of alternating pulls through Stage 2 only.
You will be able to resharpen 3-5 times just in Stage 2 before having to sharpen again in
Stage 1. You may find it easier and faster to sharpen using Stage 2 for all resharpening
rather than using a sharpening steel for periodic touch-up of the edge. Periodically,
however, you will find it necessary to resharpen first in Stage 1 followed by Stage 2 in
order to develop the shaving-sharp edge that should be created in Stage 2.
If a traditional sharpening steel is used repeatedly to tune up the edge between
resharpenings on the Chef’sChoice
Model 2000, you will have to resharpen first in
Stage 1, following the normal sharpening procedure and then hone in Stage 2. In this case
it will take 3 or more alternating pairs of pulls in Stage 1 to achieve a uniform burr before
proceeding to Stage 2.
In view of this, if you wish to improve productivity and reduce sharpening time, you should
avoid using the traditional sharpening steel and rely on Stage 2 for fast resharpening.
Make sure the knife is free of food, fat or oil before resharpening in Stage 2.
sErratED KniVEs
While the Chef’sChoice
Model 2000 is designed primarily for non-serrated knives, it will
significantly improve the performance of serrated knives by honing the tips of the
serrations. Two or three pairs of pulls, alternating through the left and right slots of Stage 2
(Honing) should be sufficient.
Caution: Do not use Stage 1 on serrated knives!
rEmoVinG, clEaninG anD insErtinG tHE sHarPEninG moDulE
When there is evidence of grease, fat, or food on any of the sharpening wheels or on the
Sharpening Module where it cannot be readily removed, it is time to wash the module
as described in the following section. We recommend knives always be cleaned before
sharpening – at a minimum, wipe them down with a cloth in order to reduce the need for
frequent cleaning of the Sharpening Module.
To remove the Sharpening Module, first make sure the motor switch is in the “OFF”
position. Then press the release button while pulling the Sharpening Module away from
the motor housing (see Figure 8.) The Sharpening Module should remove easily.
Figure 8. Sharpening Module is easily removed
for cleaning.
Press release button
and pull Sharpening
Module to right