Resharpening, Suggestions – Edgecraft Chef's Choice 310 User Manual

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Stage 2

The final operation is HONING, Stage 2. Using these slots, again take about three (3) seconds
per pass for a 6” blade. As in Stage 1, alternate each pull from one HONING slot to the other.
Do not apply downward pressure on knife in this stage. You should pull the blade through both
HONING slots four (4) to six (6) times. Complete HONING with eight (8) to twelve (12) fast pulls,
(one [1] second each), alternating between the left and right slots.
After sharpening, wipe the blade clean, test for sharpness and use. If the knife is not sharp
enough repeat Stages 1 and 2. Your knife should be razor sharp.


After normal use you can resharpen your knife quickly. Starting with SHARPENING (Stage 1)
make eight (8) to ten (10) passes through each slot, alternating left and right. Complete with
eight (8) fast passes each side in Stage 1 before moving to Stage 2. In HONING (Stage 2) make
four (4) to six (6) passes through each slot, alternating left and right. Complete with eight (8) fast
passes each side. In RESHARPENING you are removing only micro amounts of steel immediately
adjacent to the edge— a unique feature of Chef’sChoice


that allows you to resharpen often

without any concern for the life of your knife.




Professional Model 310 is designed to produce incredibly sharp knife edges in a

fast and easy manner. To ensure that you obtain razor sharp edges we suggest:

“Breaking-in” Suggestions. “Breaking-in” can be likened to commercial sharpening to
produce a factory-like edge. This is a one time operation for each knife, but it is important to
“break-in” the knife adequately. It is relatively easy to determine what is adequate and avoid
needless removal of excessive steel from your blade edge. You need sharpen in Stage 1 only
until the knife edge on successive pulls develops a burr along its entire edge. You can verify
there has been sufficient sharpening by moving your finger carefully across and away from
the edge to feel for the burr. A burr will be present on that last unsharpened side. With a soft
steel knife (and most are soft) you will usually find a burr develops when you have pulled the
knife through Stage 1, 15 to 20 times on each side. With unusually hard steel knives you may
find it necessary to pass through Stage 1 more than twenty (20) times on each side. With
harder steel knives, the burr will not be as evident. Remember, in Resharpening you need
pass through Stage 1 only eight (8) to ten (10) times.

Stage 2. Four (4) to six (6) passes alternating through each slot, (left and right HONING slots). Apply no downward
pressure in Stage 2.