Magigriddle assembly instructions – Magikitch'n MagiGriddle Option User Manual

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L25-010 Rev 2 (05/11)

Magigriddle Assembly Instructions

For RMB, SMB and 600 Series grill models:

Refer to the drawing on page 2 when following

these assembly instructions for your new Magigri ddle. The griddle must be cool in order to work

on it. Take the two long bolts (3-1/2 inch) and thread a nut onto each to about an inch from the

end, and then place a lockwasher on each bolt. Thread these long bolt assemblies into the


bolt holes of the griddle, but don’t tighten them ye t. There are some initial bolt adjustments shown

on the drawing. Take two of the short (2 inch ) bolts and place one lockwasher only on each, then

thread them all the way into the

front bolt holes of the griddle. T he top (broiling) grid must be

removed first before the Magigriddle will fit. Place the Magigriddle onto the COLD grill and place a

torpedo level or short carpenter’s level on the griddle surface. Adju st the long rear bolts until the

griddle is perfectly level from front to back and from side to side (so t hat grease won’t puddle at

the back and cooking liquids won ’t spill over t he front edge). When the adj ustment is correct,

remove the Magigriddle without disturbing the bolt adjustments and se t it down. While holding the

rear bolts with a wrench, tighten the jam nut and lockwasher to lock the adjustment in place. Place

the Magigriddle onto the co ld grill and pull it forward so it’s aga inst the front grid hooks. The open

space at the back allows flue gases to escape.

For RMB-APM and SMB-APM models:

Refer to the drawing on page 2 when following these

assembly instructions for your new Magigriddle. The griddle must be cool in order to work on it.

Take two of the short (2 inch) bolts and th read a nut and then a lockw asher onto each. Thread

these two bolts into the

rear bolt holes of the Magigriddle so t hat the head of the adjusting bolt is

about even with the bottom of the griddle (as s

hown on the drawing). Take the two remaining

short bolts and thread them into the

front bolt holes without any nut or lockwasher. The top

(broiling) grid must be removed first before the M agigriddle will fit. Place the Magigriddle onto the

COLD grill an d place a torpedo leve l or short carpent er’s level on the griddl e surface. Adjust the

long rear bolts until the griddle is perfectly level from front to back and from side to side (so that

grease won’t pudd le at the back and cooking liquids won ’t spill over the front edge). When the

adjustment is correct, remove the Magigriddle witho ut disturbing the bolt adjustments and set it

down. While holding the rear bol ts with a wrench, tighten the ja m nut and lockwasher to lock the

adjustment in place. Place the M agigriddle onto the cold grill and pu ll it forward so it’s against the

front grid hooks. The open space at the back allows flue gases to escape.

Cleaning and Seasoning:

Your new MagiGriddle is preser ved with pure soybean oil shortening

and wrapped in heavy plastic after manufacture. After removing all of the plastic wrapping, there

are two popular methods to remove the preserva

tive shortening. One method is to wash the

griddle down with hot water and dishwashing detergent, rinse thoroughly in hot water and then dry

the griddle immediately to avoid rust spots. T he second method is to cook the shortening off on

the charbroiler. When all the s hortening is gone, the griddle shou ld be allowed to cool to a

temperature where it can be safely wiped down with a wet cloth or sponge until clean.

Lastly, you’ll want to season the griddle as

you would a good iron skillet or conventional

griddle. The griddle is ready to begin cooking.