DiGiCo DiGiGrid MGB/MGO User Manual
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Note: The first time you run and configure your MGB/MGO, you may be prompted to update the
firmware of your device. Follow the onscreen instructions.
There are also built-in templates to assist you with configuration. Select the template that best meets
your setup. For recording using a single MGB or MGO, select “MGB MGO REC-PB Standalone.” If you are
using two devices, select “2x MGB MGO REC-PB Standalone.”
Finally, check in the PATCH tab that your MGB/MGO is patched to the driver. If you selected one of the
preset templates, this should be all done. If you adjusted the number of driver channels, you may need
to patch additional channels.
Note: Depending on the number of channels you’re recording or playing back and on the computer
you’re using, you might need to raise your network and/or driver buffer-size setting in the Settings page
(PC) or directly in your DAW (Mac).