Service velocity and mass customization – Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC User Manual
Page 7

• Try-and-buy, evening and weekend
specials — The ability for subscrib -
ers to try services or boost service
levels for a limited amount of time,
or to introduce off-peak usage rates
based on parameters such as usage
time, traffic volume or specific con -
tent. This not only invites subscrib -
ers to try new value-added services
with minimal commitment, but also
encourages service usage during
off-peak hours to better utilize
network investments.
• Comprehensive usage control and
accounting — Flexible usage options
and billing schemes to address
different market needs using detailed
subscriber-level reporting and real-
time billing data.
Putting subscribers in the driver’s
seat — empowering them to create
a more personalized and interactive
experience using self-service sub scrip -
tion and service-selection portals —
provides a better user expe rience
while significantly reduc ing service
providers’ operational costs.
Alcatel-Lucent 5750 Subscriber Services Controller
Service Velocity and Mass Customization
Process integration and automation
enable the efficient delivery of services
on the massive scale that occurs in
carrier networks. In the past, service
providers made large investments in
dedicated service-delivery tools and
processes that are becoming increasin -
gly cumbersome and costly to main -
tain. With the advent of triple-play
service delivery and the need for
ongoing service differentiation and
innovation, the operational challenges
of catering to the individual needs
of millions of users without incurring
dramatic increases in costs or process -
ing times for customer care and sup -
port take center stage. These two
issues of mass customization and
service velocity require a solution
that transcends traditional “cookie-
cutter” approaches to process integra -
tion and automation.
The Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC brings
all the interdependent control ele -
ments and aspects of triple-play serv -
ice delivery together in an integrated,
policy-based control solution. Using
a policy-based operational model, the
Alcatel-Lucent 5750 SSC enables a
zero-touch operational deployment
model, allowing users to choose the
services and options they want and
delivering them without manual
intervention by customer care or
support personnel. This approach
provides the flexibility needed to
address the following market opportu -
nities for triple-play service delivery,
combining an enriched user experi -
ence with operational cost savings
and increased revenues:
• Triple-play packages and tiered
services — Complete, competitive
and personalized service bundles
that merge voice, video and data
with one-stop shopping conven ience
and easily adapt to evolving needs.
• Self-service portals — Portals
that allow subscribers to directly
manage their accounts and service
subscrip tions and temporarily or
perma nently upgrade service levels.
This reduces customer-care costs
while giving subscribers the service
they want.
• Application-aware QoS — The
dynamic (versus static) allocation
of network resources driven by user
and service needs, enabling high-
quality video and multimedia
applications and optimizing resource
utilization. The Alcatel-Lucent
5750 SSC can be deployed in com -
bination with deep packet inspec -
tion (DPI) engines to control policy
enforcement of per-application
QoS, security and bandwidth, and
deliver EIS for secure peer-to-peer
networking, online gaming and
streaming Internet video and voice.