Bennett bath lavatory, Limited lifetime warranty – Decolav 1720-QTZ User Manual

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© Deco laV, inc. 2014


bennett bath lavatory

item #1720-QtZ-1 / 1720-QtZ-8

limited lifetime warranty

any Deco lav, inc. (“DecolaV”) product(s), sold after april 1, 2014, will be warranted to the original end consumer to be free of true defects in material and workmanship
during normal residential use for as long as the consumer owns his or her home subject to the following:

• Proof of purchase (original sales receipt) from the original end consumer must be made available to DecolaV for all warranty claims
• the person claiming a warranty issue must be able to establish original purchase and installation of the product
• an authorized DecolaV representative will have to inspect the product(s) and determine the product(s) to have true manufacturing defect(s) (unless other ar-

rangements satisfactory to DecolaV have been agreed upon)

• such product(s) are returned to DecolaV (unless other arrangements satisfactory to DecolaV have been agreed upon) in writing for a warranty claim to be filed
• the product must have been purchased, directly or indirectly, through an authorized DecolaV reseller

this limited lifetime warranty is non-transferable and applies only to the original end consumer and to the original installation of the product. this limited warranty is
void if the product has been moved from its initial installation site or if ownership of the product has changed. DecolaV’s products are produced from natural raw
materials and there may be a slight color variance from product appearing in catalogs, brochures, websites, or product samples, or prior production. these are not
examples of manufacturing defects and will not be covered under this warranty.

this limited warranty does not cover any mechanical pieces of any DecolaV product. these mechanical pieces will be covered under a one Year Warranty, with all other
terms of this warranty applying except duration. this limited warranty does not cover the finish, color or plating of any DecolaV product. the finish, color or plating of
any product will be covered under a one Year Warranty, with all other terms of this warranty applying with the exception noted above.

if this product is used commercially or installed outside of north america, DecolaV warrants the product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one (1)
year from the date of installation with all other terms of this warranty applying with the expection as noted above.

this limiteD WarrantY Does not coVer anY DamaGes causeD BY shiPPinG, misuse, aBuse, acciDents, neGlect, unauthoriZeD rePairs or alterations,
moDifications, use of other than Genuine DecolaV rePlacement Parts, Dirt, limescale, anD other minerals, scuffs anD scratches, eXPosure to
marine areas, aBnormal usaGe, anD normal Wear anD tear. anY imProPer installation, imProPer maintenance, imProPer hanDlinG, imProPer anD
contrarY uses, imProPer care anD cleaninG anD all acts BeYonD DecolaV’s control Will VoiD this limiteD WarrantY.

this limited warranty does not apply to local building code compliance. since local building codes vary considerably, the original end consumer of the product(s) should
check with a local building or plumbing contractor to ensure local code compliance prior to installation.

if you believe that you have a valid warranty claim, contact your home center, Dealer, Plumbing contractor or e-tailer. Please be sure to provide all pertinent information
regarding your claim, including a complete description of the problem, the product, model number, the date the product was purchased, from whom the product was
purchased and the installation date and location. also be sure to provide a copy of your original purchase invoice. for other questions, please write to us at: Deco lav, inc.,
attn. returns Processing, 314 s. chimney rock road, Greensboro, nc 27409.

upon satisfaction of each of the foregoing conditions and requirements, DecolaV shall, at its option, either repair or replace the defective product. DecolaV shall return
any product repaired or replaced under this limited warranty to the original end consumer transportation prepaid. all closeout/Discontinued product(s), at time of a valid
warranty claim, will either be repaired or replaced with a comparable item. DecolaV’s option to repair or replace the product under this limited warranty does not cover
any cost of labor to remove or install the DecolaV product, usage and delay time, or other costs of removal or installation whatsoever. in no eVent Will DecolaV Be
liaBle for the cost of rePair or rePlacement of anY installation materials, incluDinG But not limiteD to, countertoPs, tiles, marBle, Granite, etc.

this limiteD WarrantY Does not coVer anY liaBilitY for conseQuential or inciDental DamaGes, all of Which are hereBY eXPresslY DisclaimeD, or the
eXtension BeYonD the Duration of this limiteD WarrantY. some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.

the Warranties herein:

• are eXclusiVe anD stateD in lieu of all other Warranties, Whether eXPress, statutorY, or imPlieD, incluDinG But not limiteD to the Warranties

of merchantaBilitY anD fitness for an intenDeD PurPose, all of Which are hereBY eXPresslY DisclaimeD

• neither assume nor authoriZe oriGinal enD consumer nor anY other PartY to assume anY other liaBilities in connection With the

manufacture or sale of the ProDuct

• are suBJect to the limitations on DamaGes as set forth aBoVe