Configure communication manager – Avaya IPTM96-CM601 User Manual
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JC; Reviewed:
SPOC 6/16/2011
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Integrated Research PROGNOSIS IP
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9.6.1 Patch 11
5. Configure Communication Manager
This section describes the steps needed to configure Communication Manager to interoperate
with Integrated Research PROGNOSIS IP Telephony Manager. This includes creating a login
account and a SAT User Profile for PROGNOSIS to access Communication Manager and
enabling RTCP and CDR reporting. The steps are repeated for each Communication Manager
system, ESS and LSP Servers.
5.1. Configure SAT User Profile
A SAT User Profile specifies which SAT screens may be accessed by the user assigned the
profile and the type of access to each screen. As PROGNOSIS IP Telephony Manager does not
modify any system configuration, create a SAT User Profile with limited permissions to assign
to the PROGNOSIS login account.
Step Description
1. Enter the add user-profile n command, where n is the next unused profile number. Enter
a descriptive name for User Profile Name and enable all categories by setting the Enbl
field to y. In this configuration, the user profile 21 is created.
add user-profile 21 Page 1 of 41
User Profile Name: IPTM
This Profile is Disabled? n Shell Access? n
Facility Test Call Notification? n Acknowledgement Required? n
Grant Un-owned Permissions? n Extended Profile? n
Name Cat Enbl Name Cat Enbl
Adjuncts A y Routing and Dial Plan J y
Call Center B y Security K y
Features C y Servers L y
Hardware D y Stations M y
Hospitality E y System Parameters N y
IP F y Translations O y
Maintenance G y Trunking P y
Measurements and Performance H y Usage Q y
Remote Access I y User Access R y