Avaya IPTM96-CM601 User Manual
Page 16
JC; Reviewed:
SPOC 6/16/2011
Solution & Interoperability Test Lab Application Notes
©2011 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Step Description
3. Enter the change ip-services command to define the CDR link. To define a primary CDR
link, the following information should be provided:
Service Type: CDR1 [Note: If needed, a secondary link can be defined by setting
Service Type to CDR2.]
Local Node: procr [Note: Communication Manager will use the processor-
ethernet interface to send out the CDR.]
Local Port: 0 [Note: The Local Port is set to 0 because Communication Manager
initiates the CDR link.]
Remote Node: iptm [Note: The Remote Node is set to the node name previously
defined in Step 1.]
Remote Port: 50000 [Note: The Remote Port may be set to a value between 5000
and 64500 inclusive. 50000 is the default port number used by PROGNOSIS and
the PROGNOSIS server uses the same port number for all Avaya Servers sending
CDR information to it.]
change ip-services Page 1 of 3
Service Enabled Local Local Remote Remote
Type Node Port Node Port
CDR1 procr 0 iptm 50000
On Page 3 of the IP SERVICES form, disable the Reliable Session Protocol (RSP) for the
CDR link by setting the Reliable Protocol field to n.
change ip-services Page 3 of 3
Service Reliable Packet Resp Session Connect SPDU Connectivity
Type Protocol Timer Message Cntr Cntr Timer
CDR1 n 30 3 3 60