Akai AMX User Manual

Page 6

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Play / Pause: This button pauses or resumes playback.

Press and hold Shift and then press this button to "stutter-play" the track from the last
set Cue Point.


Cue: When the Deck is paused, you can set a Temporary Cue Point by moving the Platter

to place the Audio Pointer at the desired location and then pressing the Cue Button.

During playback, you can press the Cue Button to return the track to this Temporary Cue
Point. (If you did not set a Temporary Cue Point, then it will return to the beginning of the

If the Deck is paused, you can press and hold the Cue Button to play the track from the
Temporary Cue Point. Releasing the Cue Button will return the track to the Temporary
Cue Point and pause it. To continue playback without returning to the Temporary Cue
Point, press and hold the Cue Button, then press and hold the Play Button, and then
release both buttons.

Press and hold Shift and then press this button to return to the beginning of the track.


Sync: Press this button to automatically match the corresponding Deck's tempo with the

opposite Deck's tempo and phase. Press and hold Shift and press this button to
deactivate Sync.


Channel Filter: Turn this knob to apply and adjust a low-pass filter to the corresponding

channel when turned counter-clockwise or a high-pass filter when turned clockwise.

When the Touch button is activated, it will also apply a Loop Roll to the filter and will
decrease in length as the knob moves further away from the center position.