Touch faders, S-switches – Akai max25 User Manual

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Touch Faders

Type: The type of event that will be sent. The available settings are Aft (Aftertouch), MIDI CC, Inc/Dec1
(Increment/Decrement, Mode 1), Inc/Dec2 (Increment/Decrement, Mode 2), Mackie, and HUI.

MIDI Channel: This setting determines over which MIDI channel data is sent. The available settings are
Common, USB A1-A16, and USB B1-B16.

CC Number: If MIDI CC is the selected Type, this determines the MIDI CC. The available range is 000 –

MIDI to DIN: Determines whether or not MIDI data is sent to the MIDI OUT (On) or not (Off). MIDI data will
be sent to MAX25's USB connection regardless of this setting.

Mode: This determines how the fader will act when touched:

Absolute: Touching the fader will cause it to jump immediately to that position. This mode is only

available when the Type is set to Aftertouch or MIDI CC. Holding [SHIFT] while moving a fader puts the
fader in Relative2 Mode, which will give you finer control.

Relative: Sliding your finger upward or downward along the fader will cause its setting to move upward

or downward (regardless of your finger's absolute position on the fader).

Relative2: This mode behaves like Relative Mode but with a finer resolution, allowing for more precise

adjustment. This mode is only selectable in this menu when the Type is set to Aftertouch or MIDI CC.
When a fader is in Relative Mode, you can manually put the faders in Relative2 Mode by holding
[SHIFT] and sliding your finger along it.

Min / Max: If Aftertouch is the selected Type, these determine the lowest (Min) and highest (Max) values. (If
Min is higher than the Max, the fader's polarity will be reversed.)

Msb / Lsb: If Inc/Dec1 is the selected Type, these determine the MSB (Most Significant Bit) and LSB (Least
Significant Bit). The available range is 000 – 127.


• If Inc/Dec1 is the selected Type, this determines the value sent by an Increment (CC#96) or Decrement

(CC#97) message. The available range is 000 – 127.

• If Mackie or HUI is the selected Type, this determines what the fader will control using that protocol.

The available settings are Fader 1-8, V-pot 1-8, and Master Level (Mackie only).


Type: The type of event that will be sent. The available settings are Note, CC#000-127, ProgramChange,
ProgramBank, MackieControl, and HUI.

MIDI Channel: This setting determines over which MIDI channel data is sent. The available settings are
Common, USB A1-A16, and USB B1-B16.

Note#: If Note is the selected Type, this assigns the note number.

Velo: If Note is the selected Type, this assigns the velocity. The available range is 000-127.

Mode: If Note, CC#000-127, Mackie, or HUI is the selected Type, this determines whether it is in Toggle or
Momentary Mode.

Invert: If CC#000-127 is the selected Type, the S-switches send 000 as the "off" value and 127 as the "on"
value. This determines whether the values sent are normal (Off), as described above, or switched/inverted

Program Number / Pgm: If ProgramChange or ProgramBank is the selected Type, this determines the
Program number. The available range is 000 – 127.

Msb / Lsb: If ProgramChange or ProgramBank is the selected Type, these determine the MSB (Most
Significant Bit) and LSB (Least Significant Bit). The available range is 000 – 127.

MIDI to DIN: Determines whether or not MIDI data is sent to the MIDI OUT (On) or not (Off). MIDI data will
be sent to MAX25's USB connection regardless of this setting.