AllerAir AW 3000 Hood User Manual
Model ar 3000 hood, Get 1000 c fm of air rhino power, Smoke and odor restoration air purification system

Get 1000 C FM
of Air Rhino power
Smoke and odor damage restoration for individual items.
40 Specialty blends of carbon available for specific chemical problems
that can adsorb more than 4000 different hazardous chemicals.
H ig h pow er f or pa r t icle or g a s r emov a l
Pre -filter ( quick -change ) 24" x 24" x 4"
HEPA filter 24" x 24" x 11.5
Motor separate from blower for easy maintenance
2 speed fan up to 1000 CFM cleaning power.
Handle and 2 straight w heels.
Dimensions: 24" x 24" x 41" - Weight: 160 lbs.
Steel body, aluminum hood.
12" hose attachment option.
18" air inlet. ( interchangeable )
O p t ion s
2000 CFM.
A llerA ir n dustries Inc.
Toll free; 1-888 -852-8247 / Fax: 1-877-688-2193 w w
AR 3000 Hood
Ca n b e u s ed hor iz ont al ly
or v e r t ic a lly w ith
int e rc hange ab le
out let s .
Use the pow er of 10 0 0 CFM w ith activated carbon or H E PA f ilters
Model AR 3000 Hood
Smoke and Odor Restoration Air Purification System
AllerAir_MK:Document_on_PDF:Sales Sheets:Air Rhino:AR3000Hood Jan/31/2006
F ir e a n d f lo o d ,
R es t or a t io n ,
M old sp or es
o d e l A R 3 0 0 0 Hood
Ve r t ic a l
30" x 30" x 36"
detachable aluminum
hood with 1 8 " inlet.
Choice of
2 4" x 2 4" x 11.5"
HEP A or 100 lbs.
carbon filter
with easy filter
F ir e a n d f lo o d ,
R es t or a t io n ,
M old sp or es
100 lbs canister of
granular carbon filter
for chemical, gas and
odor abatement.