ALESIS QS8.1 User Manual

Page 166

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Part 8: Editing Programs


QS7.1/QS8.1 Reference Manual



Each Sound lets you create 10 Drums in Drum Mode. The Level function (press [50])
allows you to control the volume, pan position, output assignment and effects send
level for each Drum.

Volume (00 to 99)

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This sets the overall volume for a Drum. Higher numbers give higher levels.

Pan (<3 to 3>)

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There are 7 available pan locations in the stereo (two-channel) field: Far left (-3), mid
left, near left, center (< >), near right, mid right, and far right (+3).

Output (Main, Aux, or Off)

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The Output parameter has three settings. To send the Drum's output to the Main
outputs, select MAIN. To route the dry signal of the Drum to the Aux Outputs, select
AUX. To turn off the Drum's direct output altogether, set this parameter to OFF.
(Note, however, that the Drum may still feed an Effect Send).

For information on how to set up four discreet outputs, see the Tip on page 119.

Effect Level (00 to 99)

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This section lets you feed the Drum to one of the effect buses for processing (see Part
6 for more information on editing Effects). The Effect Level parameter determines
how much of the Drum's sound feeds the chosen effect bus (see below). Higher
values mean that the sound will be more "effected".

Effect Bus (1 to 4)

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Selects which of the four buses the Drum will feed, thereby determining which
effect(s) will process the Drum.



The Pitch function (press [60]) lets you transpose the selected Drum up or down one
octave in micro-step (1/4th of a half step) increments, and lets you modulate the
Drum’s pitch with velocity.

Tune (-12.00 to +12.00)

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Determines the tuning of the selected Drum (±12.00).

Velocity>Pitch (0 to 7)

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Determines how much the selected Drum’s tuning will be affected by velocity. When
this value is set to 7, the Drum will be tuned gradually higher as the associated note
is played harder. The softer you play, the less the pitch will be altered from the
original tuning.