Panasonic TC-55AS680U User Manual

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This product incorporates the following software:

(1) the software developed independently by or for

Panasonic Corporation,

(2) the software owned by third party and licensed to

Panasonic Corporation,

(3) the software licensed under the GNU LESSER

V2.1) and/or,

(4) open sourced software other than the software

licensed under the LGPL V2.1.

The software categorized as (3) and (4) are distributed
in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
PURPOSE. Please refer to the detailed terms and
conditions thereof shown in the “Software License”
menu on this product.

At least three (3) years from delivery of this product,
Panasonic will give to any third party who contacts us at
the contact information provided below, for a charge no
more than our cost of physically performing source code
distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the
corresponding source code covered under LGPL V2.1 or
the other licenses with the obligation to do so, as well as
the respective copyright notice thereof.

Contact Information: [email protected]

The source code and the copyright notice are also
available for free in our website below.

“PlayReady” is a trademark registered by Microsoft.
Please be aware of the following.

(a) This product contains technology subject to
certain intellectual property rights of Microsoft. Use or
distribution of this technology outside of this product
is prohibited without the appropriate license(s) from

(b) Content owners use Microsoft PlayReady™ content
access technology to protect their intellectual property,
including copyrighted content. This device uses
PlayReady technology to access PlayReady-protected
content and/or WMDRM-protected content. If the
device fails to properly enforce restrictions on content
usage, content owners may require Microsoft to revoke
the device’s ability to consume PlayReady-protected
content. Revocation should not affect unprotected
content or content protected by other content access

Content owners may require you to upgrade PlayReady
to access their content.

If you decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access
content that requires the upgrade.


Please read before using the unit

Safety Precautions ··············································· 4

Accessories/Optional accessories ···························· 8

Connections ·······················································11

Identifying Controls ··············································14

First Time Setup ··················································18

Operations ·························································19

Using eHELP (Built-in Manual) ·······························20

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ·························21

Care and Cleaning···············································22

Specifications ·····················································23

Limited Warranty (for U.S.A.) ·································25

Customer Services Directory (for U.S.A.) ·················26