Alloy Computer Products GSM-8T16SFP User Manual
Page 16

GSM Series User Manual
Alloy Computer Products Pty Ltd Copyright ©2006
Cont. Please Note:
⇒ Further information can be found in section 1.5 on page 7
⇒ All figures denoting the range a given cable type can achieve must be treated as maximum
values. A number of variables can limit the actual range that can be achieved – grade of
cable used, quality of cable, and presence of joins in cable runs, for example
2.1.3. Management options available with the GSM Series Switches
The GSM Series switches support multiple management options to allow administrators to
quickly configure and monitor the switch and network performance. There are four management
options available including RS-232 console, Command Line Interface (CLI), SNMP or via the built
in Web Management. The following procedures will briefly describe how each method can be
performed and will also be discussed in more detail later in this manual.
Section 2-1-3-1: Configuring the GSM Series switches through the RS-232 serial port.
Section 2-1-3-2: Configuring the GSM Series switches through the Ethernet port. Configuring the GSM Series switches through the RS-232 serial port
When configuring the GSM Series switches via the RS-232 console please connect the switch
via the provided serial cable to a DCE device such as a PC. Once you have connection run a
terminal emulation program such as Hyper Terminal. When connecting to the switch please use
the serial settings of the switch to create the connection, the default settings are below:
Baud Rate: 57600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flow Control: None
By pressing Enter you will now be prompted to login to the switch.
The default username and password for the switch is:
Username: admin
Password: admin
The RS-232 console port on the switch is mainly used for the initial setup of the switch including
setting the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway. It is recommended that all other management
duties that need to be performed should be done via the Web Management or CLI.