Calibration, Verification of calibration and quality control – Arizona Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer Jerome 631-X User Manual

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The Jerome 631-X's gold film sensor is inherently stable and does not require frequent calibration.
The interval between calibrations depends upon the application and frequency of use; however, the
recommended interval is every 12 months.

The Jerome 631-X has been factory calibrated using laboratory equipment containing NIST
traceable permeation tubes. These permeation tubes have a rated accuracy of +/- 2%. In order to
calibrate the Jerome 631-X, a sophisticated calibration system is required that ensures stability of
the calibration gas source, eliminates any pressure in the calibration gas stream, and controls the
temperature of the calibration environment. Calibration requires the controlled environment, gas
source, and computer software, available only at the factory or authorized repair/calibration

We strongly recommend you take advantage of our calibration and maintenance service at Arizona
Instrument. Call Customer Service at (800) 528-7411 or (602) 470-1414 to arrange re-calibration.
A certificate of calibration is issued from AZI when your instrument is factory calibrated.

Verification of Calibration and Quality Control

The Functional Test Module, AZI P/N Z2600 0918, is used to determine if your instrument is
within calibration tolerances between recommended annual factory calibrations. It allows you to
have complete confidence in the sample results. This test verifies proper instrument operation
through the introduction of a known concentration of hydrogen sulfide into the Jerome analyzer.

If your application requires frequent verification of instrument function, this test demonstrates the
unit’s operation, calibration, and function. Recording FTM results in an instrument log provides a
quality control/quality assurance record of instrument function between regular calibrations. If
test results fall within the expected range, you may assume the instrument is functioning correctly.

See APPENDIX A - 631-X FUNCTIONAL TEST MODULE on page 36 for more information
about the FTM procedures. Complete instructions for use are supplied with the test kit, AZI P/N
Z2600 0918.

To order the FTM, contact your AZI Sales Representative at (800) 528-7411 or (602) 470-1414.

AZI Customer Service 800-528-7411 or 602-470-1414

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