Setup menus, Navigating the setup menu – Arcam surround amplifier/AVprocessor AVR500 / AVR600 / AV888 User Manual

Page 40

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setup menus

The Setup menus allow you to configure all aspects

of your AVR500, AVR600 or AV888. The next few

pages will go through the menu items and explain their

function. The Setup menus will probably look quite

daunting if you are new to setting up home cinema, but

the majority of them need only be configured once when

you first install the system (or if your system changes or

you move house!)
The only way to view the Setup menus is on your display

device (TV or projector) using the on-screen display

(OSD) capability of the unit. To view the OSD for the

initial setting up, connect any of the video outputs to

your display device. You do not need to have a video

source connected to the video inputs.

Entering Setup mode

To enter the setup menu, press the


button on the

remote control or font panel. The front panel display

shows ‘MENU’ and the setup menu (pictured right) is


Unstable oSd menu or picture display?

The default AVR500/AVR600/AV888 output video

resolution when first powered up out of the box is

525-line/60Hz NTSC for analogue video and 480i/60

for digital video. This has been chosen as most display

devices can synchronise to this automatically. This can

be changed in the Video Outputs section of the Setup

If the output resolution and frame rate is forced to a

setting your display device does not support, the picture

may become unstable or may not display at all. To reset

the output video resolution and frame rate to the default

values to restore the display, press and hold the


button for three seconds.

navigating the setup menu

… using the remote control

The setup menu can be navigated by using the cursor

(arrow) keys on the remote control. This is by far the

easiest method.

1. To enter the setup menu, press the



(which is located immediately under the navigation


2. Use the




keys to navigate up and down

the main section headings in the left-hand panel.

3. Once you have the main section that you require

highlighted, use the


key to enter the section.

4. Use the




keys to navigate up and

down the section settings in the left-hand panel.

Some settings may be greyed out. These are either

for information only (e.g. incoming sampling

frequency) or are not currently selectable (e.g.

network IP address when DHCP is used). Scroll bars

on the sides of the right hand panel indicate your

position in the settings list where there are more

items than can be displayed at once.

5. Pressing


selects a setting to change it, pressing


again de-selects the setting.

6. At any time, press the


button to exit the menu.

Any changes to settings are saved.

… using the keys on the front panel

The front panel controls can be used to configure the

unit. Follow the instructions for using the remote

control, in this case using


for down,





for left and


for right.

G e n e r a l S e t u p

A u t o S e t u p

S p k r T y p e s

S p k r D i s t a n c e

S p k r L e v e l s

V i d e o I n p u t s

V i d e o O u t p u t s

I n p u t C o n f i g

M o d e

Z o n e S e t t i n g s

N e t w o r k

I n c o m i n g F o r m a t

: D o l b y D i g i t a l

I n c o m i n g S a m p l e R a t e : 4 8 K H z O u t : 4 8 K H z

I n c o m i n g b i t r a t e

: 1 9 2 k b p s

D i a l n o r m

: - 3 1 d B

V i d e o I n p u t

: D V D

A u d i o C o m p r e s s i o n

: O f f

B a l a n c e

B a s s

0 d B

0 d B

A d j u s t t o c o m p e n s a t e f o r a n o f f - c e n t r e l i s t e n i n g

p o s i t i o n .

A u d i o I n p u t

: D V D

Menu panel
The left-hand panel lists the setup

screens available for adjustment. The

selected menu is highlighted with a grey


Help screen
The lower right-hand panel gives a short

help text for the feature being adjusted.

Adjustment panel
The upper right-hand panel lists the

parameters you can change as a user.

The selected line is highlighted with

a black band. Lines that cannot be

selected are greyed-out.

Scroll bars
These indicate the

position of the

displayed screen

within longer menus.