Sony HID-C10 User Manual
Page 13

Notices and Licenses for Excluded Software Used in this
Third party software is used in this device. Such third party software
may change over time. Please visit for (i) an
up-to-date list of the third party software included in each version of the
device; (ii) the license terms applicable thereto; and (iii) where required,
the source code associated therewith and available for download.
Please note, certain third party software included in the dash device
contains copyrighted software that is licensed under various versions of
the General Public License, which may include the General Public
License version 2, General Public License version 3, Lesser General
Public License version 2 or Lesser General Public License version 3
("GPL Software"). A copy of the relevant General Public License is
available in the applicable third party software and on our website at the
following address: You may obtain the complete
Corresponding Source code (as defined in the relevant General Public
License) from Sony Electronics Inc. for a period which is the longer of
three years after our last shipment of the dash Device or during the
period we offer spare parts or customer support for that product model,
which will end no earlier than 2/28/2013. To obtain the complete
Corresponding Source code on physical media, please contact Sony
Customer Support for the dash device at 866-918-2485.