Sony PCWA-C800S User Manual
Page 49

If you point to a button or item in the Wireless Panel w indow , a short explanation appears.
This area indicates the connection status.
"Ne tw ork Nam e "
Indicates the unique ID of the currently connected w ireless netw ork. The netw ork name is also called SSID.
"Fre que ncy"
Indicates the current frequency and communication channel.
"Signal Le ve l"
Indicates the signal level (strength) as a bar graph.
"IP Addre s s "
Indicates the computer's IP address.
"Fram e s Se nt"
Indicates the total number of frames sent.
"Fram e s Re ce ive d"
Indicates the total number of frames received.
"Com m unication Type "
Indicates the current type of communication used by the Wireless LAN PC Card.
Connected to a 802.11a access point or peer-to-peer netw ork.
Connected to a 802.11b access point or peer-to-peer netw ork.
Connected to a 802.11g access point or peer-to-peer netw ork.
Super A
Connected to a 802.11a access point w ith the Super A/G function enabled.
Super G
Connected to a 802.11g access point w ith the Super A/G function enabled.
Turbo OFF
Connected to an access point that supports the turbo function. The turbo function is currently disabled.
Turbo ON
Connected to an access point that supports the turbo function. The turbo function is currently enabled.
(.11b mixed) Connected to a 802.11g w ireless netw ork, but there is a 802.11b device in the vicinity.
"Link Rate (TX)"
Indicates the rate of frames sent.
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